Patients’ Satisfaction is being used as a proxy to measure and rate the accomplishments of your healthcare staff by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services using HCAHPS and CAHPS surveys.
Patient Satisfaction is “the lens” from which healthcare organizations are rated by third party providers of HCAHPS and CAHPS surveys for CMS. Currently, the overall public rating derived from HCAHPS surveys, rate Baptist with
Touchrate has have been helping Healthcare organizations to improve or maintain good ratings by capturing on location anonymous Patient Feedback in real time for a daily audit of staff behavior.
Through our digital platforms we provide the voice of the patient with the power of anonymity that drives telling feedback.
This unadulterated feedback is “time and date stamped” and can be used by Baptist leadership to coach and direct medical staff and help them address certain behaviors and protocols for a satisfactory patient perceptions of their experience that will have an effect on their HCAHPS ratings.